Category Archives: Vinyl Tiles

December 26, 2009

You should delete everything reduce from all floor. If you intend again to use it after editing of Your new flooring, pull at any nails through exact from a back side. This step is diminished by a dissidence, thus you can use exact again.

December 26, 2009

If you have a choice, examine the purchasing selfglued vinyl tile. It is easy to work with and hinders that a plaster slowly oozed through cracks between a tile. As soon as work of location is done, and falls down half, imposition of these tiles is the simple question of clearing and sticky.

December 25, 2009

A vinyl tile is an outage, inexpensive method to cover half. Many tiles have selfglued, which only requires a removal from support and sticky them downward. Tiles unsupported require distribution of plaster on a floor with a toothed scoop, after setting tiles.

November 12, 2009

This is a compressed vinyl tile which is also called LVT (luxury vinyl tile) or simply “PVC-tile”. Its structure is the following: it has an undercoat consisting of two PVC layers with filling materials, a film with a pattern and an upper wear-resistant layer from pure PVC (with thickness from 0,3 up to 1 mm).

October 5, 2009

In comparison with a popular floor coating – laminate, vinyl tile has a full list of advantages: 1. Laminate includes acrylic, melamine and formaldehyde resins what does not favor to health in contrast to vinyl tile, which was made with a usage of the most modern technologies. 2. Laminate is a slippery material. With vinyl